5 crucial skills needed in Interdisciplinary Studies
1. The ability to "think outside of the box" - Having the ability to have a positive state of mind, finding solutions were there most unlikely to be, can be utilized at any level of management.Having this open mind type attitude will give you the ability to look beyond one discipline when solving a problem. It is crucial that since the day I started taking education seriously I have always had a strong grasp on other peoples thoughts and theories.
2. Task Oriented - The ability to stay on a task for any given amount of time is important to me. Being able to not give up and finish a task all the way through to the end will be very helpful when I have a career. I never like to not finish something that I have started, completion of any task is important to me, failure is not an option. In achieving a goal it is necessary to have certain task planned out so managing it becomes easy.
3.Confidence- I believe confidence gives the ability to become a leader and is contagious in the aspect of other people will too become confident. Confidence can create allies in the work place and influence others to get a goal accomplished. I believe it is necessary to exert this type of skill for it will be of great importance when completing a task that has a deadline.
4.Respectful- I believe in mutual respect between people, it is my belief in order to have a good outlook in life respect will bring self satisfaction to a person or group. Respectfulness is a two way street there has to be given in order to receive it back. Being respectful of others thoughts and feelings will get you a lot farther in life and can fulfill one overall feelings about themselves.
5. Responsibility- I have always took responsibility for my actions in life, one must have the ability to take an initiative of a given task and overcome any obstacles. In preparing written assignments, I truly believed the grade I received was due to the amount of effort I exerted. Taking an initiative and producing work that one can be proud to present is extremely important, epically in the business world.